Things to Consider Before Buying an IP Telephone System



An internet protocol telephone system makes use of voice over IP expertise to put and broadcast telephone communication across an IP network like the internet instead of the usual public switched telephone network. VoIP is a current communication technology system adopted by any competitive business. It is capable of video conferencing and call recording among other forms of internet communications. This article guides you on what to reflect on before purchasing the system.


First of all, evaluate the need for the system. This will guide you in the features to consider. Check if it supports Bluetooth, web browser, and different power configurations among other features. The capability and functions that the system Grandstream IP Phone can handle will guide you in your decision. Also, the size of the company and the number of persons to use should be considered. The system you buy should enable you to easily add a user when the number of users increases. Allow employees to suggest what they will find convenient.


Look at the hosting options which can be cloud or on-premises. You subscribe monthly for cloud-based solutions. On premises is best where there is a technical IT team who prefer to control the system directly. Cloud hosting does not have server hardware problems while on-premises enables faster problem resolution due to on-site support team and has lower software rentals.


Next, look at how the Office PBX system will integrate with the other business systems such as the CRM platform.  Know the business systems that you want to integrate with your new telephony system to settle for the suitable VoIP. Consider the network infrastructure. With VoIP, you need to clearly understand the network across the LAN. Also, look at the possibility of upgrading the system you choose when technology changes.



You may need to consider the availability of skills to handle the system. The person managing the system should have IT know how. Select a system that is easily adaptable to the staff you have. Selecting a complex system may require you to train your staff first which may lead to low productivity before they familiarize with how to use it.


Cost is another factor that cannot be sidelined. Look at the sum cost of owning a VoIP. Consider the buying cost and the maintenance expenses. Your business should be capable of meeting all the costs.  You do not want to acquire a system that you end up not using because you cannot afford to maintain it.


Use the above guidelines and you will purchase the most relevant IP telephone system.

Things to Consider Before Buying an IP Telephone System

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